Hello 👋 my name is Eyal Rotbart

I am a Creative Tech-inclined Product Manager based in Seattle, Washington.

Product Manager
Team Leader
Eyal Rotbart smiling in a snazzy fedora hat and golden sunglasses

Cross-Functional Leader

I thrive in bringing diverse teams together. With 15+ years of experience, I excel at fostering collaboration between engineers, designers, marketers, and other stakeholders. This fosters an environment where different perspectives are valued, leading to well-rounded solutions and successful product launches.


Intuition may be valuable, but data is king. I leverage analytics and market research to make informed decisions throughout the product development lifecycle. This ensures our solutions address real user needs and contribute to positive business outcomes.


Putting users at the heart of everything I do is paramount. I champion user research and incorporate user feedback into every step of the development process. This results in products that are not only technically sound but also genuinely meet the needs and desires of our target audience.

Effective Communicator

Bridging the gap between technical and non-technical audiences is a core strength. I translate complex concepts into clear and concise messages that resonate with everyone involved. My ability to communicate effectively fosters strong collaboration and ensures everyone is aligned towards a shared vision.

Selected Work

Take a look below at some of my featured work for clients from the past few years.