
OCI Bastion

Product Management

We built the de facto method of connecting to, managing, and maintaining remote servers on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

A bright pink sheet of paper used to wrap flowers curves in front of rich blue background

OCI Bastion is a security feature that Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) offers. It allows you to securely access resources within a private network (VCN) without managing a separate jump host.

Here’s a breakdown:

  • Secure Access: It provides restricted and time-limited access to resources that don’t have public endpoints, providing an extra layer of security compared to directly exposing resources to the internet.

  • No Jump Host Management: Unlike traditional methods, which involve managing a separate jump host in a DMZ, OCI Bastion eliminates the need to deploy and maintain that additional server.

  • Identity-Based Permissions: Access is controlled through identity and access management (IAM) policies, ensuring only authorized users can connect with specific permissions.

  • Centralized Logging & Auditing: All Bastion activity is centrally logged and audited for better monitoring and security analysis.

OCI Bastion simplifies the relatively technical and complex task of secure access to private resources in Oracle Cloud while maintaining a solid security posture.